Breathexperience is the intersection of my self, my sensation of breath movement and my body, and essence. Since it's both conscious and unconscious, breath touches all aspects of our being. It unlocks our vast creative resource.
This work is less a technique about how to breathe, and more about how to experience the full sensation of breath as it travels throughout the entire body.
I develop a relationship of allowing my breath to unfold, rather than one of control. Breath is a partner and a guide.
We learn to use our breath to clarify our own growth, definition of self, expression and relationship to the world.
We experience the body as resourced and supported—any time of day, no matter what stresses arise. We simply allow ourselves full access to the movement of breath—and all the information it provides.
From here, we begin to understand the building blocks of movement—both physically, as in dance, and metaphysically, in our self and soul.
Our philosophy
Breathexperience (BE) is the powerful experience of the entire body as we sense our breath moving through all of it.
Your breath can unlock a vast creative resource inside you—empowered through basic body movements fueling growth into your full self.
Much more than a technique, BE is a body-based approach that anchors everyday people to their true nature. You have 24,000 breath opportunities a day. Learn to flow with them!
We believe every human being was born with the innate right and ability to regulate themselves using the breath—in the midst of even the most extreme stressors.
We support your relationship to breath and breath movement in the body—which anchors our self and soul and expression, our responsiveness in the world.
As you build your breath resources, you'll access more well-being, no matter how crazy life gets!


JUERG ROFFLER trained with Prof. Ilse Middendorf at her Institute in Berlin and was a close associate until her death. He taught there for many years before he came to the U.S.
In 1991, he founded the Middendorf Institute for Breathexperience in San Francisco.
In 2001, the Institute moved to Berkeley, CA. Juerg trains practitioners in the Middendorf form of BE in Switzerland, Germany, Canada, and the U.S. He developed the BE Programs in Relationship, Performing Arts, and Integration. Juerg is living in Switzerland and joins us in the Bay Area annually.
MARTY BARCLAY is a certified practitioner of Middendorf Breathwork with a private practice in Berkeley.
She is also a horticulturalist with 40 years of experience in landscape design, installation and maintenance.
Marty is a member of the BE Berkeley teaching staff. She loves teaching the practical building of the body of breath to support the full range of Breathexperience —from the inner to the outer!

FAITH HORNBACHER was born and raised in Michigan, shaped by loving family and the benevolent outdoors.
She was encouraged to ask questions of the waters and the trees.
Only now in her later years is she learning to direct her questions to her breath.
Following that and learning to listen, Faith is becoming more embodied in this ongoing dialogue into her everyday breath experience.

GRETCHEN VANDERSLICE is a certified practitioner of Middendorf Breathwork with a private practice in Berkeley. She teaches movement and expressive arts.
Gretchen performed as a member of San Francisco dance companies and taught and performed with musician Jim Valley throughout the west coast and Europe.
She has trained professionally in various movement and body/mind modalities and expressive arts therapy. She has also worked as a mental health counselor and movement/expressive arts teacher with the elderly.

KURT BIGLER ... more coming soon. Stay tuned!